miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

V. A. Quiet Moments ~ Floating Sunlight

Quiet Moments ~ Floating Sunlight


あの名コンピシリーズ / ロングセラー・アイテム『クワイエット・モーメンツ』待望の第3弾が早くも登場!



「都市生活者のためのサウンド・トラック」をテーマに、あわただしい毎日の中、じっくり音楽と向き合えるプライベートな時間に耳を傾けたい良質な音源を紹介していくコンピレーション・シリーズ「Quiet Moments」待望の第3弾。
選曲・監修は「JAZZ DANCER」「JOYFUL GROOVES!」シリーズを手掛けるなど、ジャンルにとらわれない聴き方の提案を得意とする吉村健氏。その現場感覚と、純粋な音楽ファンとしての思い入れを存分に発揮した選曲です。音楽が短いサイクルで消費され続ける現在において、5年後、10年後にも聴き返したくなるような内容の作品となりました。
Compilation album from Impartmaint Inc. (Japan). 
With artsits as sayCet, Julianna Barwick, Federico Durand, Sun Glitters and many others.

Thank you very much P*dis, Imapartmaint, Nao and Spekk...

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Interview by Tokafi

How far can a memory take you? When he was still a boy, Federico Durand's grandparents took him on an extended trip through the forests in the Southern part of Argentina. To this day, the experience is manifesting itself in his oeuvre, both subconsciously and with delicate deliberation. Already Durand's album- and track-titles are indicative of a love for a lost paradise and the world of children, of a fascination for the small, outwardly meaningless things that make life such an inexplicably wonderful thing: The ecstasy of little flowers, The Cypress's sleep, The Book of magical trees, My little world of paper – magical fairytales live in the branches and roots of the deep, comforting forests these names are conjuring up. And that's actually before you've even heard a single note. Durand's 2010 debut on the renowned Japanese Spekk-imprint fed from the contrast between lo-fi aesthetics, almost shy emotions and high definition textures, navigating oceans of tenderness with a ship made of tiny sounds. On El éxtasis de las flores pequeñas, this year's follow-up for Own Recordings, meanwhile, the symbiosis between intimate field recordings and fragile drones is taking center stage, the equinox of dream and reality manifesting itself in seven pieces of concise dimensions, which nevertheless seem to stretch out into the listener's imagination like an endless field of rolling green hills. Already opener „El pequeño huésped sigue dormido“, on which the arrival and departure of what seems to be a refreshing Summer rainstorm is accompanied by a duet between long, sentimental strings and an unresolved piano melody, is a perfect moment turned into music, a series of blurry snapshots that add up to a vivid mental image. Durand is not the first to tread these acoustic paths, of course. But the conviction with which he delivers this vision – all too easily mistaken for romantic kitsch by lazy ears – makes his soul trip sound like an explorative journey. If you, too, believe that happiness requires little more than beauty and a good cup of tea, then the music of Federico Durand may just be the soundtrack to your life.

By Tobias Fischer

Thank you very much Tobias and Tokafi.

Read the complete interview HERE.