lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

C’est à un voyage baigné de douceur et de poésie, que nous convie une nouvelle fois, l’argentin Federico Durand, à l’mage de son superbe A Través Del Espejo sorti l’année dernière.
Avec La Niña Junco, il compose une musique ambient aux nappes frappant l’imagination avec subtilité, assemblant bruitages organiques et sonorités abstraites aux images floutées, pour une perte des sens noyée dans un voile soyeux caressé par une lumière chaleureuse à l’éblouissement tamisé.
Federico Durand joue avec les balancements et les fluctuations, atteignant parfois une certaine forme de mysticisme aux yeux clos et l’esprit vagabond. Il nous caresse de par ses mélodies nuageuses, à la légèreté transparente que l’on aimerait tenir entre nos mains avant de les laisser à nouveau flotter. Un album délicat et évanescent à écouter sous une pluie d’étoiles filantes. Enivrant.
Roland Torres
Muchas gracias Roland Torres & Silence And Sound por la bella reseña! F.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

My new LP reviewed from Italy!

Poche immagini possono adattarsi meglio di quella del germoglio di una pianta esile ma resistente come il giunco alla musica di Federico Durand, tanto delicata quanto dotata di ben definiti tratti di un naturalismo sonoro che trova la propria metafora nella manifestazione improvvisa di un’ispirazione.
Nel caso del suo ultimo lavoro solista intitolato appunto “La Niña Junco”, il motore della creatività è stato il ritrovamento da parte dell’artista argentino di un vecchio synth, il primo sul quale aveva cominciato a condurre le proprie esplorazioni sulle componenti organiche di minute particelle sonore. Proiettato indietro nel tempo, nel suo rifugio a contatto con la natura, tra le valli dell’Argentina centrale, Durand ha creato in presa diretta, nel volgere di appena un paio di giorni, i nove concisi brani che formano “La Niña Junco” e ne recano l’inconfondibile tocco delicato.
Soltanto a tratti caratterizzate da pulsazioni giocose, evidentemente determinate proprio dalla strumentazione ritrovata, le composizioni di Durand pennellano un microcosmo di equilibri fragili ma perfetti tra impulsi giustapposti in brevi loop che generano risonanze i cui vuoti sono riempiti da un pulviscolo tanto impalpabile quando decisivo nel trasmettere sensazioni di immediata spontaneità creativa. Pur non essendo direttamente connesso a un’idea di fondo proveniente dall’ambiente naturale, come invece molte opere di Durand, “La Niña Junco” si inserisce a pieno titolo nel suo ecosistema sonoro, colto nell’occasione nell’unicità della sua relazione tra individuo, tempo e ambiente.
Muchas gracias Raffaello Russo y Music Won't Save You for your heartfelt listening! F.

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

A beautiful review made by Ele-King (Japan)

Ele-King (Japan)

 フェデリコ・デュランドはアルゼンチン出身で1976年生まれのアンビエント・アーティスト。〈ホワイト・パディ・マウンテン〉、〈スペック〉、〈12k〉、〈プードゥ〉など錚々たるレーベルからアルバムを発表してきたことでも知られ、この2017年は、すでに〈12k〉からソロ・アルバム『ラ・ニーニャ・ジュンコ(La Niña Junco)』を発表している。『ラ・ニーニャ・ジュンコ』もまた彼らしい優雅な時間と深い記憶の交錯、純朴な音と繊細なサウンド・トリートメントによって、「音楽」が溶け合うようなアンビエント・アルバムに仕上がっていた。聴いていると耳がゆっくりと洗われるような気分にもなってくる。ちなみにローレンス・イングリッシュが主宰する〈ルーム40〉からの新作も控えている。
 全5曲、どのトラックも、ふたりのアンビエント・アーティスト特有の「時間・記憶・音意識」が繊細な空間意識と音響感覚で見事に融合している。記憶と時間の結晶? まるで異国の地への郷愁のような、不思議な旅情を称えたアンビエント・アルバムのようにも思えた。
Muchas gracias Ele-King for la maravillosa reseña! F.

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

"La niña junco" reviewed by Ondarock (Italia)

Si tratti di affinità elettive o di proselitismo, nessun'altra etichetta sarebbe stata adatta a ospitare la musica di Federico Durand quanto la 12k di Taylor Deupree, di ritorno nel 2017 con le delicate sequenze indeterminate di "Somi". Attivo dall'inizio del decennio, poco più di un anno fa l'autore argentino trovava infatti la casa ideale per "A Través Del Espejo", ultimo di una già nutrita serie di album ambient dallo stile intimo e inconfondibile.
Con "La Niña Junco" Durand ha voluto portare a compimento un esercizio di essenzialità, riducendo ai minimi termini gli strumenti a sua disposizione: con un unico sintetizzatore Crumar Performer, due pedali loop e uno per il delay è infatti riuscito a plasmare nove tracce infuse di una grazia surreale, in bilico tra bozzettismo figurativo e onirica astrazione.

Seppure su tutte sia più calzante l'analogia coi morbidi tappeti del bedroom pop firmato Trouble Books ("La historia de la niña junco", "Lluvia de estrellas"), non risulta pretestuosa l'ulteriore associazione con le recenti prove del maestro Eno: se il suo "Lux" era un quadro oggettivante e cristallino su una natura immota, le miniature di Durand si appigliano a suggestioni che spaziano dall'istantanea fotografica ("Una plaza junto a las vías del tren") alla sinestesia tattile (i due movimenti di una ipotetica "melodia di peluche").
È lo stesso tratto gentile delle forme fantastiche di Joan Miró, ma anche delle favole partorite nel "regno dei sogni e della follia" chiamato Studio Ghibli, giunto di recente all'essenza della sua arte collettiva proprio con "La storia della principessa splendente".

Quando non c'è null'altro da dire, rimane soltanto l'ascolto e le immaginazioni da esso innescate: una pratica alla quale l'intero catalogo 12k ci ha sempre educato - con prodotti "di genere" ma che non possono mai semplicemente scivolare in sottofondo - e che un gioiello come "La Niña Junco" merita in particolar modo.


Muchas gracias Ondarock y Michele Palozzo por la reseña! F.

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

"La niña junco" reviewed by Loop (Chile)

Loop (CL)

This is the second album released on 12k after the following A Través del Espejo (2016) of Argentine musician Federico Durand, based in La Cumbre, a town of the of Cordoba’s mountain range, who in the last four years have seven releases on 12k, Spekk, White Paddy Mountain and Pudú labels.
In this breakthrough creative production, Durand recorded all nine songs on this album in two days, using his first Crumar Performer synthesizer along with two looping pedals and Roland Space Echo RE-201.
Immersed in small sounds that unfold slowly creating unpolished infant stories that release the hiss itself for nostalgia. The oscillations are like sea waves of the sea that come and go and small objects like palitroques beat each other. The dance of reeds shaken by the wind is the fresh air that shakes this disc for its simple beauty.
Muchas gracias Guillermo Escudero y Loop! Saludos cordiales desde las Sierras! F.

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

A wonderful review from UK!

Federico Durand - La niña junco (12k)

6 years ago I would have found myself revising in the garden for some of my last school exams at this very table, perhaps beneath this same umbrella. 2 years before that, and I was revising for my GCSEs when I was 16. The scenery’s different now; the family home moved and now I sit by the canalside, the furniture is certainly a little worse for wear, but there’s a certain sweet nostalgia to being here. I sit here like an echo, a fair-weather ghost returning to familiar spots to work and write.
Bittersweetness is a running theme with Durand, a consistent trend in his minimal, organic constructions; in equal measure the reductive nature of his music creates environments both lovingly reverberant and simple, as well as crooning and wistful, yearning for places and people since passed. Take “Navidad en el bosque”, Christmas in the Forest: a brilliant reflection of time and space, soft static fuzz gently dampening the slow synth movements as the trees and snow close in, the world muted in its blanket of snow and foliage. The faded, distal glimmerings of “Una plaza a las vias del tren” (The Square Beside The Train Tracks) are similarly wanting, trickling out in crooning and tired cyclings, nothing more than a dream of place.
There’s a pastoral, even perhaps parochial vibe to certain moments here; “Melodia de felpa” and its later continuation shine in thinned strands of electronica, slow and simple abstractions suspended in rarified drones that brush the senses like blossoms in the air, or adrift dandelion seeds. Later, “El cascabel de plata” unrolls in soothing passages of tumbling synth lines, like distant and unseen church bells that ring and echo about the landscape, a barely detectable breeze wafting each note towards us.
Everything is dreamlike, each piece sounding as though it’s being slowly washed up on the shores of our mind, every tide a slice of time returned, every sloshing wave a moment of memory. More than happy to let it continue, closer Rain of Stars, “Iluvia de estrellas”, hardly touches the senses as it allows precious few floaty, twinkling chords to penetrate the cool void. The select flurries that do make it out of the darkness are faded, ancient in sound and sight; their place in the heavens is secure and enduring, without concern for ephemerality or transience. How many humans have lost themselves beneath them, dreaming themselves back through time under their fixed, continual gaze? Sometimes I ask the same question of Durand’s music.
Chris Doherty for HearFeel.
¡Muchas gracias por la escucha sensible! F.

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

NEW LP! "La niña junco" (12k)

Federico Durand - La niña Junco

label : 12k (USA)
artwork : Lola Goldstein 
design : Taylor Deupree
master : Taylor Deupree
release date : 14 April 2017
format : Vinyl LP

Argentinian musician Federico Durand returns with his 2nd full length album on 12k following 2016’s A Través Del Espejo (12k1085). Taking his already minimalist composition style Federico challenged himself by using only one synthesizer for this beautiful album of sparse, hypnotic dustiness. His talent for creating works of so much emotion out of so little attest to his concentration when working and his passion for the craft. La Niña Junco is a handwoven gem. Music with a humble origin and a deep resonating soul. Famed Argentinian artist Lola Goldstein graciously illustrated the album cover, caputuring the idea of memory and object that is so infused with Federico’s work. 

"Immersed in the beauty of the very moment, the songs for La Niña Junco were recorded in one take during two days, in a rush of inspiration. I used a small sound palette: one instrument, a Crumar Performer synthesizer along with two looping pedals and Roland Space Echo RE-201. The Crumar was my first synthesizer. I bought it many years ago and then gave it to a friend, who later lent it to my brother. After a very long time, I got it back when we moved to La Cumbre, a small town in the central mountain area of Argentina. As this instrument has a very limited but beautiful oscilator, it was rewarding to make small melodies using only its almost magical sound. I was enchanted to have the chance to play with my Crumar again: in many ways this album feels like returning to an early home. The electric noises of my old, broken keyboard, were an unexpected and musical gift and a humble proof of the passing of time." 

- Federico Durand, La Cumbre, 2017

You can purchase the vinyl and digital thorugh 12k Bandcamp:

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

NEW ALBUM! Melodía ~ Small Conversations

"Small Conversations" is New album of Melodía. Melodía is Federico Durand and Tomoyoshi Date. 
In this work, hay made beautiful natural texture using acoustic guitar, chitters, piano, organ, etc. Space and time are arranged with exquisite sense. That sound is an elegant ambient music that makes you feel like a serene chamber music.

12kやspekkなどの数々の名門アンビエントレーベルから多数リリスがある人気アンビエント作家Federico Durand とTomoyoshi Juliano Date による、アコースティック・アンビエントデュオ『Melodia』の通算3枚目のアルバムが遂に完成した。
必要最低限の音数で構成されているため、何度も聞きたくなる魔術的な魅力が宿っている。実際に演奏の緊張感を高めるために現代の音楽制作手法ではめずらしくマルチトラックレコーディングではなく1トラックでのレコーディング手法が採用されており、その事もあってか相互の楽器間の響きの混じり合いや、位相などが澱みなく録音されている。また3曲目では2017年の来日ツアーでも大好評だったFederico Durandの貴重なピアノのプレイも収録!穏やかな時間の流れを体感できる至高の1枚となった。
You can order it here: